Purification of Violence

Is a scorched earth a fertile ground? The dilemma that faces so many of us seems to be (possibly necessary) 'Is a certain amount of violence good' or maybe 'Violence itself is obtaining virtuous attributes'.

Spare the rod and spoil the child (Proverbs 13:24). Star Wars rhetoric about global peace obtained through the presence and most likely the demonstration of hideous destructive power. In my home province the police will forcibly remove a man from his home if it is alleged that he was violent. Will a cultural blossoming bloom out of Palestine, Bosnia, or Cambodia?

Transcript from the movie THE THIRD MAN by Graham Green, Copyright 1984

In Italy, for 30 years out of the bourgeois they had warfare, terror, murder, bloodshed but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo de Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love. They had 500 years of democracy and peace and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.

In South Africa a convicted terrorist and promoter of violence now rules the government. Nelson Mandela should be credited with the execution of the amnesty for his former persecutors. Murderers and torturers are walking free because Murderers and torturers are walking free because a visionary said 'Enough Violence', 'Time to Build', 'I'm free, you should be free'. In Canada a young rapist/murderer under the age of 16 will walk into adulthood with no baggage of his/her crime except personal guilt.

Maybe violence is like alcohol, a little makes life more pleasant, too much can make life hell. Maybe violence is age dependant. Violence is definitely sensitive to race and gender.

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