Petition TO The Honourable Allan Rock, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of CANADA

WE, the undersigned, pray that you, as Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, will take immediate steps to REPEAL the Young Offenders Act, or to Amend this Act, for the following reasons;
  1. WHERE AS: the young offenders too often are repeat offenders, and hide behind this Act for their protection from the public, not to be named because of their actions.
  2. WHERE AS: the young offenders make claim under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms for their protection when in custody for crimes committed against the public.
  3. WHERE AS: the first time, young offenders appear to be encouraged by the Leniency of the Courts, to continue to victimize the public through crime, and to make a mockery of the Justice System.
  4. WHERE AS: the victims of crime receive little consideration from the Courts, in particular our senior citizens, who do not have the earning power to replace lost or damaged property. The victims rights to own and enjoy the fruits of their labor, have been violated.

The Young Offenders Act, be Repealed, or Amended to include;

  1. The names of the perpetrators of crime to be released to the public;
  2. All perpetrators of crime to be tried in adult court;
  3. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms be denied to the perpetrators of crime until full restitution is made to the victims of crime.
  4. The Justice System be empowered to order the perpetrator of crime to make full restitution to the victim of crime, failure to do so would then come under the supervision of the courts, with the same force and effect as do the penalties imposed by the courts.

Name Address City or Town Signature
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