In the "old days" when one found a productive activity which consumed them with a single-minded compulsion to pursue and develop their skill and creations, it was referred as a "gift" or a "calling". From these severe addictions have resulted some of the greatest artistic and literary masterpieces in history. If nothing results from the time spent within your technology, is it then not as worthy? who are you to judge the path you have been given. With the abundance of junkies and alcoholics trying to recover from the more common meaning given to addiction, denial of the past, searching for a higher power saviour, single-minded dedication to recovery, serves only to change their addiction to something productive rather than destructive. Such a strange thing is perception. Depending upon the results, any compulsion could be given the LABEL of Gift or Addiction.

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"THE" Collaborative Process

(September 96 - April 97)
Lies Saints Addictions Handcuffs Evolution
Video Rituals Humour Violence Sanctity
Page Last Updated April 15, 1997
Contribute and Win a Jazzsuite.

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Updated By Wilson Harron, Andrew Shih And William Brown. July 13, 2000