Kennel Boy

no alt text Kennel Boy is a performance piece for prepubescent boy and cage. The intended venue for this piece is an art gallery or opening of an art event. The cage is labeled on each of it's four sides, WOMB, CRADLE, SCHOOL, CAREER. The boy is to remain in the cage throughout the event. He will not speak but cough as a dog or whine.

Kennel Boy has been performed once at the Social Spaces show by Brendan Haug. At the event before it was closed down by the authorities Brendan had produced anger in some patrons and pity in others. One illustration below shows a patron offering Brendan a treat.

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"THE" Collaborative Process

(September 96 - April 97)
Lies Lies Saints Addictions Handcuffs Evolution
Video Rituals Humour Violence Sanctity
Page Last Updated April 15, 1997
Contribute and Win a Jazzsuite.

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Updated By Wilson Harron, Andrew Shih And William Brown. July 13, 2000