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Deanna - Sparrow in the Window.

Madeleine - Don't throw your money out the window.

Aurele - Give to Caesar what belongs to him or that Elk looked in my window.

Wayne - My beloved is like a gazelle or a young stag. There he stands outside our wall, peering in at the windows, gazing through the lattice. Song of Solomon 2:9

Ron - The moose is looking out the window.

Daphne - Throwing money out the window.

Steve - Was that a 2B pencil?

Collaborative Narrative: Table of Contents

Wayne's Home Page - Normal or
- Shockwave Version
# 1
The Big Lie
# 1
The Big Lie
# 2
St. Cecilia's Torch
# 3
A Severe Addiction to Technological Change
# 4
Golden Handcuffs
# 5
Evolution of Tribal Struggle
Forms for Contribution
Video # 6
Camouflaged Ritual
# 7
Paradox With Humor
# 8
Purification of Violence
# 9
Sanctity Denied
Updated By Wilson Harron, Andrew Shih And William Brown. July 13, 2000
, 2000>