Noon-Hour Workout

They make no attempt to hide what they do at noon. They make no attempt to conceal their associations. A few minutes before midday they quietly wander to their workout areas and reappear within 90 minutes. What is the relevance of this assembly? What processes take place? Does this activity introduce hierarchical structures that are placed to other organizations?

What are some of the facts? (As observed in three organizations)

  1. The participants sweat together.
  2. The participants have expanded opportunity for physical contact (touching).
  3. The participants often shower together.
  4. As a result of above #1 and #3 the scent cycle of the participants are synchronized.
  5. The participants have a tendency to promote other participants (job promotions, recognition awards, responsibility backup)

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"THE" Collaborative Process

(September 96 - April 97)
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Page Last Updated July 4, 2000
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Updated By Wilson Harron, Andrew Shih And William Brown. July 13, 2000