Pete Makarow's Work

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no alt textMetallic Work no alt textCrates

Crate Work

Often in Pete's searching for art materials, he will come across some pretty interesting things: lampshades, cardboard tubes or wooden crates.s or wooden crates. In fact, he has come across so many wooden crates that he now has a whole series devoted to these crates.

His crates come in all different sizes and shapes. They are very intricately decorated with color covering every last piece of the wood, both inside and out. He not only puts color on the crates, but he also uses a hand router to carve repeating patterns into them, such as his bugs or skeletons. them, such as his bugs or skeletons.

no alt text no alt text These are examples of his boxes. They are very rich in symbolism and color. The symbols on his crates are made into repeating patterns.
no alt text no alt text This is the only piece of work that has written words on it. There is also a narrative in this piece of work. Over each plank, the man on the box slowly changes from a normal man to a skeleton. Because the man changes the audience finds their eyes moving in the direction of the changing figures which makes the story come alive. The second picture here shows the inside of the same box. This shows just how richly decorated these boxes are, both inside and out.