Collaboration - Video

Collaboration: Is creating with others. It is the surrender of some aspect of control to someone who will change the outcome of the project. The following describes the mode of collaboration.

Dialogues for Dan

Denise, Michele and Wayne workshopped their characters of Bilhah, Rachael and Jacob over the space of several months. Several sources were used including Hebrew mythology and the Christian Bible. The narrative was simple, Rachel convinces Bilhah to have a child for her with Jacob. Visually the video is a study of Denise's body during her pregnancy while the audio is a taste of the frustration of the early eavesdropper.

Hot Coloured Toast

This was a summer camp project used to test the abilities of the young teens with video equipment, found footage challenges and collaboration. The success of this project was the justification for the computer opera project 'Projekt Klingsor'.

Hours Of Flowers

These videos are intended as stand alone works which are shown in an art gallery. Two or more can be displayed at once with the acoustical spaces overlapping. A set of software engineering requirements were developed to permit different teams to construct the sound tracks:

Flora in A: Denise Gelech, Brian Baird
Flora in G: Carol Benesh, Rob, Lana Ermanson
Flora in C: Daphne Morris, Onita P. Shelley Nichol

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The following videos are samples of Flora In A and Flora In C:

Flora In A -1- [ Sample of Flora in A (8.22Mb .MOV) ]

Flora In A -2- [ Sample of Flora in A (5.71Mb .MOV) ]

Flora In C -1- [ Sample of Flora in C (8.39Mb .MOV) ]

Flora In C -2- [ Sample of Flora in C (7.71Mb .MOV) ]

Technical Assistance by Roger Anant

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It's Not My Fault

For several months the downtown bars, clubs and drop in centres were combed seeking stories of misery and hate. After these stories were captured on tape or in notebooks, Amber Fife began the process of telling those stories as her own. The gore, the blood and malice were mitigated and Amber chose to transform half of her body into black. Found stories - partnered transformation- solo performance / artsy video = collaboration.


Darlene Tincher designed and manufactured striking masks and wanted them uniquely displayed. Wayne Tunison designed and directed a pseudo-ritual with the sole intention of presenting the masks. An anonymous dancer was added as priestess to perform her interpretation of the masks' spirit. Sounds were found in Bali, Pow Wows and inner city Regina to give a primitive Hip Hop ambience.

Washington Version 1

As the academic researches of Wayne advanced so did his version of multimedia software engineering. Like the Hours of Flowers series this video is visually one hundred percent Tunison while the sound track was engineered by a team of: Miriam Arendt, John Redant, April Lloyd, Jerry Swetlow and Darren Bachelu. Tunison provided the software engineering requirements.

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This page originally designed by Kent Chi Hou Chiu and Emily Wei Xu

Updated By Wilson Harron, Andrew Shih And William Brown. July 13, 2000

Page last updated: March 11, 2002