
Selected examples from various series are presented.

This is one of the incipient works that led to the process known as the Jazzsuite

no alt text Towards the Jazzsuite

The Jazzsuite

The Jazzsuite is a collection of process driven art. The process consists of several elements. The model selects music by a jazz artist. During the sitting this music is played and the model strikes a pose in accordance with the song. The duration of the song dictates the length of time to do the drawing. The number of songs dictates the number of super imposed drawings as the model strikes a different pose for each song. The model requests the degree of emphasis on portraiture to be applied for each jazz artist t jazz artist they pose with. Many of the models are modelling nude for the first time in this series. This gives a sharp natural edge to the jazz poses.

no alt text Jazzsuite: Sylvia listens to Baker

no alt text Jazzsuite: Cassandra listens to Monk

no alt text Jazzsuite: Angel listens to Manhattan Transfer

no alt text Jazzsuite: Erica listens to Johnson

no alt text Jazzsuite: Karin listens to Basie

no alt text80 ALIGN=CENTER> Blue Lady

Scratch not the Cat

This series juxtaposes the sweet Victorian image of the kitty cat (a feline predator) with crude hard line drawings of the human form (an industrial victim or villain).

no alt text Scratch not the Cat #7

This series blends Masonic symbolism with anxieties of the cold and gender wars. The series is executed in multiple medias and is intended to have significantly different readings by different cultures.

no alt text Escape from Eden

The simplicity of line is often the objective.

no alt text Denise

no alt textN=CENTER> Bonnie Lynn

no alt text Kate

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Updated By Wilson Harron, Andrew Shih And William Brown. July 13, 2000