F. Wayne Tunison

F. Wayne Tunison was born on February 20, 1953 in Regina. He attended Victoria Public School and received his diploma from Central Collegiate in 1970, in Fine Arts. He received his B.Sc. in Mathematics in 1974, and his M.Sc in Mechanical Engineering in 1977, and is currently working on his Ph.D. in Engineering and Fine Arts. Wayne has participated in many choirs, orchestras and bands. Theater, the mother of integrated arts, continues to beckon Wayne whether it is Kiss Me Kate or UBU, the King. He enjoys improvisation and exotic explorations which taken him to the converted factories of Berlin and the jungles of the tropic Asia.

For more than t

For more than thirty years, Wayne has been playing and teaching the bells, so that now, every active Tower Bell Ringer in Regina was either taught by Wayne or one of his apprentices. Wayne continues to teach, compose and play regularly.

Wayne began to study bells at the age of thirteen under the direction of Lawrence Ritchey. Wayne and Cameron Blachford formed the Regina Bell Ringers in 1976 with an initial membership of four. In his travels, Wayne has played bells on five continents. Presently, Wayne works at ISM as a Strategic Business Consultant. He is a contributing member of the Neutral Ground Art Gallery, painting and documenting on video his artistic impressions.

Wayne is the father of four children and the mentor to many in the bell tower. This concert is a part of his fulfillment of the continuous responsibility.

Wayne's 18 year old son, William, has moved to Budapest to acquire the fine strategic points of water polo. Wayne and two of his daughters, Julia and Yolande, made a journey through Bavaria , Austria and Hungary to witness some of William's environment. Many songs have resulted from this journey including the lovely 'Von Himmel hoch, O Engel, Kommt' especially discovered for Anna the sister left behind.

The bell tower is beginning a new golden age, oddly enough powered by women, traditionally a minority in the tower. (Note: the first women Regina Bell Ringer was Dr. Beth Blachford (1970)). To show that women have always had a significant place in music, Wayne is unearthing music composed by women. 'I've always tended to enjoy the female expressions,' says Wayne, 'like Mitchell, Slick, Finley, Lunch and Ono.' As the women come out of the closet we called the tower, I hope they will add to this list of favorites.'

Finally, Larry Peterson, one of our composers, continues to write inspiring music which Wayne is proud to present.

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Updated By Wilson Harron, Andrew Shih And William Brown. July 13, 2000

Updated By Wilson Harron, Andrew Shih And William Brown. July 13, 2000