Post-Modern Ethnography

February 22, 1998
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1) Subjects:

Post-Modern Communication
Total Cultural Package

2) Review:

Post-Modern Ethnography, from the Subculture Reader - Stephen A. Tyler

3) Summary:

Shelley listens to Manhattan Transfer no alt text

Ethnography studies the culturally shared, common sense perceptions of everyday experience. Post-modern ethnography is a cooperatively evolved text relying on the reader to construct an aesthetic integration of the common sense reality. It has an allegorical import without a narrative. It favours discourse over text. The separate tellings and stories can converge on a common theme.

Several ideas are presented such as: the newspaper as a preferred form, polyphony generates perspective relativity, the author free text is a tradition (myth, folklore). Technology (tape recorders) provide a means to 'steal the subjects voice'.

Post-modern ethnography is not an object but voice'.

Post-modern ethnography is not an object but a means. Its purpose is to invoke an understanding. This provides freedom from representation and symbolism. It is fragmentally like life and experience.

4) Comments:

The excitement I felt reading this was great. It legitimizes many formal experiments I've carried out over the years. I also became inspired to create some work of a post-modern ethnographic nature (that will have to wait for the right time).

Much of this paper was spent on descriptions of what post-modern ethnography was not: generalization, descriptive (from a scientific view point), comparative, indicative or verifiable. I find this extreme in its attempt to place post-modern ethnography as a therapeutic process over the obvious communication that takes place through the direct and constructed texts.

5) References:

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Page Created March 10, 1998

Page Last Updated April 2, 1998

Updated By Wilson Harron, Andrew Shih And William Brown. July 13, 2000