Boredom in Babylon - Dick Hebdige

April 1, 1998
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1) Subjects:


2) Review:

Boredom in Babylon. From Subculture: The meaning of Style - Dick Hebdige

3) Summary:

The summer of 1977 was hot for England. At first the abundance of sun produced an euphoria characterized by bikini tops and harem bags. By August the heat was suspected of causing structural damage in the architecture and contributing to the ambiance of Notting Hill Carnival riots. This hot apocalyptic atmosphere forced the acknowledgment of the decline of Briton and the birth of punk.

The music press was the first to document this unlikely alliance of diverse and incompatible music traditions. The apparel of the punks was derived from previous youth groups, with the addition of military regalia, safety pinned or glued together in a most disrespectful and unstable manner. The punk movement appropriated what it needed from several sources to exemplify its persona of decline.

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Hebdige claims that an understanding of the contributory subcultures would show that there is deep connections at a structural level. Race is a dimension of great significance.

Influences of Punk




Glitter Rock David Bowie Gender Confusion, narcissism, nihilism
American Proto Punk Ramones Minimalism, self laceration
Northern Soul Fast American soul of the 60's Speed, solo dance, jerkiness
Literary avant garde Burroughs, Patti Smith Profane, Random juxtaposition
Reggae Matumbi Forbidden Identity, exotic, danger, alienation
Native R & B Dr. Feelgood Brashness, Speed

5) References:

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Page Created April 2, 1998

Page Last Updated April 2, 1998

Updated By Wilson Harron, Andrew Shih And William Brown. July 13, 2000