David Clausen has been through a lot. He was born in Lethbridge, Alberta on August 30, 1952. His childhood was hard, his dad was an alcoholic and couldn't land a job, so they had to move from city to city trying to find him one. They first moved to Westminster AB/SK when David was seven years old. Two years later, they moved to Regina. They stayed in Regina until David was 16, then they moved to Victoria BC. For the next few years, David got a job, graduated high school and bought his own apartment in Vancouver. After two death threats and suing his landlord for fraud, he moved back to Regina near the end of January 2012. He passed away on Feb 20 2015.
His interest in art started at a young age of eight, where his drawings won contests within his school. He knew that making a career of art would be difficult so he decided to make it a hobby. While in Vancouver, he got a job as a printer. He liked his job very much, he knew everything about the machines and printing styles. Everything was going right but then he reported a crime that would lead to death threats and losing his job and his home. Through that experience he embraced a new style of art, 360 panoramic pictures. He said he felt as if he was prey in the wild, constantly being aware of all of his surroundings, being paranoid. But his 360 panoramic pictures are in a calm and peaceful environment, it is as if he is trying to become peaceful through what he does.
Interesting facts:
David is a deep philosopher. He touches deep with his disbelief in free-will. He told me, "We choose what we do but we don't get to choose the person that chooses what we do." Also, "We act on our impulses but we don't get to choose our impulses." He also referred me to Naturalism.org for more information on this topic.